Blog world, we are still alive and well. Our God is good, He is faithful and we are alive in Him which makes us so much more than just "alive and well."
Many of you may be wondering why the sudden stop in blogging. There are several reasons but the biggest of them all was my Grandma Betty's(my mom's mom) passing on the 29th of June, 2011.
You see, getting back to blogging meant I had to write about her passing, which meant trying to write about her life and who she was and still is in my life, and write about all the events surrounding her death(funeral, watching my Pom Pom grieve and talk about the love of his life,etc,etc.) This has seemed like an insurmountable task that would take hours and several posts. And it also meant that I had to be "in the mood" to write such a post. Ask my mom and my husband...I am a mood worker! The moods have changed and come and gone and so much has happened in the past several months. So many things that I wish I had been cataloging about this pregnancy, our new home, Tristan's job, and about our gracious Savior. I realized I like staying on task. I don't like trying to play catchup. And I have a hard time remembering and figuring out how I am going to write about it all in a non-overwhelming blog savy way. It's just to much. Hence, I have been paralyzed so to speak.
Another reason I have not wanted to write is that this post will get automatically sent to my grandma's e-mail. I know I can change it to not do that's not really it. You see, EVERY time I made a blog post usually within the day I would get an e-mail from my grandma about what I wrote and for the next few days her and I would talk back and forth over e-mail. It was such a joy to me. One I will greatly miss. She could make me laugh with those emails like no other. I never deleted a single one.
So what brought the change after days of telling myself I should sit down and blog....after all those sleepless nights of writing posts in my head? I am not really sure. It could be that a dear friend and family member encouraged me to get back to blogging. She said, " you will be really glad you did." I know she is right, because I LOVE reading her blog and keeping up with her sweet family.
Or maybe it's because of the oh so sweet and meaningful past 18 hours I spent with my Grandad and Grandma?
I am not quite sure. But here we go.
Welcome back!!!
Thanks Mares. I'm loving it and already so glad to have the memories.
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