
Corpus Baby Shower

While I was in Corpus several wise and wonderful women who have known me for years threw me a lovely baby shower for our little man.  It was a perfect for the start of fall and our little man on the way!

I was so blessed to be in Mrs. Hallocks house yet again(she threw us a wedding shower there about 4 years ago) surrounded by women giving us priceless advice and laying hands on me to pray ...just like 4 years ago when Tristan and I got married. I am so blessed to have so many Godly women in my life...they are part of my heritage and inheritance! And I am so grateful!

We were also blessed by lots of gifts too! Plenty of clothes, books, gift cards, etc all around...and even our jogging stroller from the hostesses!  It sure helped us start to feel more prepared and excited!!! Thank you ladies for a sweet afternoon!  It was wonderful!

I was listening intently to Shereen tell a home birth story of a friend of hers!

This picture of myself cracks me up....I have so many like it over the years.

My lovely Grandma Ellen and Aunt Alana looking at my baby album.  I think in this picture they were marveling how young my dad looked when I was born! :)

FOOD!!!!! And lots of bow ties and mustaches!

Notice the pineapple, and the man props(a vintage camera and pipe, donated by John Ryan for decor)!

Check out the adorable mustache cupcakes made by Ginny Fahl (she made my wedding cake too...pretty cool huh?)

I love this picture because I don't think I have nay pictures as an adult with Mrs. Lyons.  I just love that woman. 

33 weeks

She was trying to stick out her belly to imitate what my uncle Sam(my mom's younger brother) and I do both times we saw each other while I was pregnant.

Mother, daughter, and boy!

Our little family!

1 comment:

kaye herbert said...

haha i love the mr.pineapple, cute! great pictures!